We are starting 2025 with more Trek! My guests talked me into doing 2 more Star Trek episodes about the Next Generation Movies. On this episode we are talking Star Trek Generations and Star Trek First Contact.
On this the third episode of our mission we are going to talk about the third and fourth Star Trek Original Series movies, where we discover a literal strange new world and our own world is rediscovered with Star Trek The Search for Spock and Star Trek The Voyage Home.
On the first episode of this mission we are going to talk in general about the whole Star Trek franchise. I have with me a fantastic bridge crew for this voyage with Sean Archer, Josh Ratcliffe, Tim McLennan, and Steve McCabe.
In this episode Paolo Vergara and Carson Choi, hosts of The Fan and the Critic podcast, join me in talking about 2 campy films with Shaun of the Dead AND Shoot ‘Em Up
In this episode Josh Ratliffe joins me in talking about an award winning downer and a delightful palate cleanser with Saving Private Ryan and Scott Pilgrim vs the World