In this episode Austin Wong and I talk about a couple of moves about relationships, Annie Hall and Away We Go, just in time for Valentine’s Day!
We get into a lot of things like what it means when bad people make good art, negging, adoption, and real estate while eating heart shaped candy.
Annie Hall
Release: 1977
Director: Woody Allen
Stars: Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Tony Roberts, Carol Kane
Away We Go
Release: 2009
Director: Sam Mendes
Stars: John Krasinski, Maya Rudolph, Allison Janney
So there was a little confusion about what negging really means (even though it was very easy to spot) So to clarify here are a couple definitions.
Definitions according to
is an act of emotional manipulation whereby a person makes a deliberate backhanded compliment or otherwise flirtatious remark to another person to undermine their confidence and increase their need of the manipulator’s approval.
Urban Dictionary
Low-grade insults meant to undermine the self-confidence of a woman so she might be more vulnerable to your advances. This is something no decent guy would do. They say that the assholes get the girls, but I can spot negging a mile away and I reject these fuckers straight off.
So in Annie Hall, she complains about the cost of her rent being high at $400.
$400 in 1977 is the equivalent to $1,657.47 now. That is approximately 414% change.
Fashion of Annie Hall
Despite the fact that she wore dresses and classically “female” attire in some scenes the craze she started was actually based on her utilizing traditionally “male” style elements but still managing to look cool, relaxed, and feminine.
Something I didn’t mention on the episode is the fact that this style may hearken back to the original menswear as womens-wear style icon Marlene Dietrich.
Thanatophobia correction
So I miss spoke when talking about this and said thanatophobia was the obsession with death. What I meant to say was thanatophilia. Thanatophobia is actually the fear of death.
Etymology of the words
Thanato – Greek mythology – the personification of death
Philia – Greek for fondness
Phobia – Greek for fear
On a side note, when looking up this stuff etymologically I thought “philia” may be the origin of Family but it actually comes from the Latin word for servant, “famulus”